강애진(교수) 사진
행파교수회관 501호


◆ 학력

1980. ~ 1984. 숙명여자대학교 영어영문학 학사

1986. ~ 1990. 서강대학교 영미문학 석사

1994. ~ 1997. 미시간주립대학교 영어교육학 석사

1998. ~ 2001. 캔사스대학교 영어교육학 박사



◆ 경력

2003.03. ~ 현재 숙명여자대학교 영어영문학부 교수

2002.03. ~ 2003.02. 건국대학교 영어영문학과 강의교수

2001.09. ~ 2002.02. 숙명여자대학교, 고려대학교 시간강사

2000.08. ~ 2001.05. 캔사스대학교 동아시아어문학과 강사(TA)

1994.10. ~ 1998.06. 미시간 주립대학교 국제대학 영어교사프로그램 코디네이터 (RA)


2015.01. ~ 2015.10/2016.10. ~ 2018. 10. 숙명여자대학교 교수협의회 공동회장

2014.04. ~ 2016.02. 숙명여자대학교 대학평의원회 의장.

2017.04. ~ 2017. 12. 서울교수협의회 연합체(서교연) 회장

2014. 전국여교수연합회 사무총장

2012. 국가영어능력시험(NEAT 1급) 운영위원 및 4개대학 컨소시엄 대표교수



◆ 주요논저

Kang, AeJin. (2021). EFL college learners’ expectation on and experience in online English-medium instruction. English Teaching, 76(4), 3-31.


Kang, AeJin. (2018c). How EFL college learners perceive CBI experience. English Teaching, 73(4), 73-106.


Kang, AeJin. (2018b). EFL college learners' attitude toward flipped classroom aproach. Foreign Languages Education, 25(2), 1-30.


Kang, AeJin. (2018a). Exploring how to ensure participation in CBI. Journal of the Korea English Education Society, 17(2), 1-27.


Kang, AeJin. (2015). Inducing participation in a CBI classroom. English Teaching, 70(4), 27-53.


Kang, AeJin.(2013b). The contribution of output task to CBI from a sociocognitive perspective. Journal of the Korea English Education Society, 12(3), 181-212.


Kang, AeJin.(2013a). What a TBI case offers to college-level L2 learners. English Teaching, 68(2), 3-27.


2011.07.02. 한국영어교육학회 [우수논문상] 수상. 수상논문:

The Contribution of L1CALP and L2 Proficiency to Successful CBI Experience. English Teaching, 65(4), 3-39.


2011. Delegate of Korea Association of Teachers of English (KATE) for the 50th Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET) Conference 발표논문(Paper presentation): How to empower EFL college learners through CBI & TBI


Kang, AeJin.(2010). The Contribution of L1 CALP and L2 Proficiency to Successful CBI Experience. English Teaching, 65(4), 3-39.


Kang, AeJin.(2009). A Case Study of a Graduate-Level CBI Course. English Teaching, 64(4), 151-179.


2008. 한국외국어교육학회 [우수논문상] 수상. 수상논문:

What Makes Task Involvement Critical Enough in TBI Instruction. (2007a). Foreign Languages Education, 14(2), 1-36.


Kang, AeJin.(2008b). Suggestions for Quality English Education at Public Schools. Journal of the Korea English Education Society, 7(2), 1-15.


Kang, AeJin.(2008a). First Time in CBI. English Teaching, 63(4), 85-113.


Kang, AeJin.(2007c). CBI and TBI: Challenging and Rewarding EFL College Learners. Korean Journal of Applied Linguistics, 23(2), 27-57.


Kang, AeJin.(2007b). How to Better Serve EFL College Learners in CBI Courses. English Teaching, 62(3), 69-100.


Kang, AeJin.(2007a). What Makes Task Involvement Critical Enough in TBI Instruction. Foreign Languages Education, 14(2), 1-36.


Kang, AeJin.(2005b). How to Promote Comprehension and Participation in CBI Courses: The SIOP Model. English Teaching, 60(4), 159-196.


Kang, AeJin.(2005a). Why CBI Should be the Option. KATE Forum, 29(1), 6-9.


Kang, AeJin.(2004d). Keys to Effective CBI Course. Korean Journal of Applied Linguistics, 20(2), 151-191.


Kang, AeJin.(2004c). Pronunciation: Conformity or Intelligibility? Foreign Languages Education, 11(3), 1-31.


Kang, AeJin.(2004b). An MP Interpretation of EFL Learners’ Linguistic Behavior. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics, 4(1), 33-60.


Kang, AeJin.(2004a). Exploring the Possibilities of Nonnative English Teacher in EIL Perspective. English Teaching, 59(1), 207-234.


Kang, AeJin.(2003). How to Better Serve EFL College Writers: An MP Implication for L2 Literacy Teaching. Foreign Languages Education, 10(4), 101-128.


Kang, AeJin.(2002). The Extent of EFL Adult Learners' Access to UG. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics, 2(3), 305-327.


Kang, AeJin. (2001). Different Environment, Different Results? The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea, 9(2), 1-28.



◆ 강의과목

영어교육배경의 이해, 언어습득론, 응용언어학, 응용언어학 연구방법론, 영어교육론