Lee, Hyung Jin 사진
Lee, Hyung Jin
Translation studies, Comparative literature
Suryeon Faculty Building 411



Ph.D in Comparative Literature, Penn State University, PA, USA

MA in Comparative Literature, State Univ. of New York (SUNY), Binghamton, NY, USA

BA, Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea




2005. ~ present Professor, Dept. of English, Sookmyung Women’s University

2022. ~ present President, Korean Comparative Literature Association (KCLA)

2022. ~ present Vice President, Korean Association for Translation Studies (KATS)

2013. ~ present Korea Foundation (KF) Global e-school professor (Showa Women’s Univ., Nehru Univ., Nairobi Univ.)

2018. ~ present Yoo Yeong Literary Translation Award Committee Member



2022. ~ 2023 President, Korean Comparative Literature Association (KCLA)

2018. ~ 2021 Director of Korean-English Translation Division, PEN International Korean Centre

2018. ~ 2019. Editor-in-Chief, Journal , Korean Comparative Lit. Association

2016. ~ 2020 Sookmyung UNESCO-UNITWIN Volunteering Program Coordinator (Cambodia, Laos)

2016. ~ 2018. Dean of External Relations & Development, Sookmyung Women’s University

2016. ~ 2018. Director of International Cooperation Center, Sookmyung Women’s University

2012. ~ 2016. Director of Sookmyung Research Institute for English Language & Cultural Studies

2006. ~ 2010. Director of General English Program (GEP), Sookmyung Women’s University

2003. ~ 2005. Teaching Faculty of Asian Studies, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA

1998. ~ 2003. Lecturer of the World Campus Program, Penn State University, PA, USA



Awards and Honors



2023. Professor of the Year Award (Teaching), Sookmyung Women’s University

2022. Professor of the Year Award (Teaching), Sookmyung Women’s University

2020. Professor of the Year Award (Teaching), Sookmyung Women’s University

2017. Professor of the Year Award (Teaching), Sookmyung Women’s University

2016. Outstanding Paper of the Year Award, Korean Association for Translation Studies

2016. Marquis Who's Who in the World (2016), 33rd. edition

2003. The Samuel P. Bayard Award for Outstanding Performance, Penn State Univ., PA. USA





『번역학 입문: 이론과 적용』(공역), 5판, 한국외대 지식출판콘텐츠원, 2023.

[Co-trans. of Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications, 5th ed. by Jeromy Munday, Routledge, 2022]


다문화주의 시대의 비교문학: 미국비교문학회(ACLA) 번하이머 보고서(공역), 푸른사상사, 2022.

[Co-trans. of Comparative Literature in the Age of Multiculturalism, Ed. Charles Bernheimer, Johns Hopkins UP, 1994]


학술연구 첫걸음: 의미있는 연구과제 선택하기(공역), 휴먼싸이언스, 2022.

[Co-trans. of Where Research Begins: Choosing a Research Project That Matters to You (and the World), by Thomas S. Mullaney and Christopher Rea, Univ. of Chicago Press, 2022]


"Poems of Rim Poe" in Korean Green Literature: An Anthology of Seven Contemporary Eco-Poets(trans.) Seoul: Korea Forest Service, 2020.


Grasshoppers' Eyes: Poems (Hyeong-Ryeol Ko)(co-trans.), Anderson, SC: Parlor Press, 2017.


여성이 테크분야에서 성공하기: 출발에서 유리천장을 넘어(공역), 휴먼싸이언스, 2017.

[Co-trans. of Women in Tech: Practical Advice and Inspiring Stories from Successful Women in Tech to Take Your Career to the Next Level. Ed. Tarah Wheeler, Sasquatch Books, 2016]


문학번역: 대학에서 어떻게 가르칠 것인가?(공역), 한국외국어대학교 출판부, 2015.

[Co-trans. of Rimbaud's Rainbow: Literary translation in higher education, by Peter Bush and Kirsten Malmkjær, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1998]

Walking on a Washing Line: Poems of Kim Seung-Hee(co-trans.), Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 2010.


"Oh Tae-sok's 'Bellflower'" in Modern Korean Drama: An Anthology(co-trans.), New York: Columbia UP, 2009.


문학번역의 세계-외국문학의 영어번역(번역), 한국문화사, 2009.

[Translation of Literary Translation: A Practical Guide, by Clifford E. Landers, Multilingual Matter, 2001]


Allegory of Survival: The Theater of Kang-Baek Lee(co-trans.), New York: Cambria Press, 2007.


글로벌 영어 미래는 있는가(공역), 경문사, 2006.

[Co-trans. of English as a Global Language, by David Crystal, Cambridge UP, 2003]



<Academic Articles>

-"대전환 시대, 번역학의 지속가능성", <번역학연구> 24.4, 2023, p.267-298.

[Translation Studies in an Era of Transformation: Ensuring a Sustainable Future]




-"문학번역가의 과제한국문학 영어번역가를 중심으로", <통역과번역> 23, 2021, p.245-272.

[The task of literary translators: a case with English translators of Korean literature]


-"비교문학의 정전화와 교육: 미국비교문학회 ‘10년 보고서를 중심으로", <비교문학> 85, 2021, p.7-44.

[Canonization of Comparative Literature and Its Education in Korea: A Case Study in the ACLA’s Decennial Report]


-"딘 쿤츠의 어둠의 눈과 코로나 팬데믹 공포의 문화번역", <비교문학> 82, 2020, p.7-44.

[Dean Koontz’s The Eyes of Darkness and Cultural Translation of the COVID-19 Pandemic Fear]


-"한국문학의 영어번역, 논란과 논쟁을 번역하다", <번역학연구> 19.4, 2018, p.185-206.

[English Translation of Korean Literature: Translating its Arguments and Controversy]


-"한국문학 번역의 문화번역--한국문학의 문화번역 지점을 중심으로", <번역학연구> 17.3, 2016, p.139-164.

[Cultural Translation of Korean Literary Translation: Location of Cultural Translations of Korean Literature]


-"시 번역 불가능성의 역설두보의 한시 春望(춘망)의 영어번역을 중심으로”, <번역학연구>, 16.5, 2015, p.135-155.

[On a Paradox of the Impossibility of Poetry Translation: English Translations of Tu Fu’s ‘Spring Prospect’]


-"일본 현대문학의 영어권 수용과 문화번역", <비교문학>, 65, 2015, p.293-322.

[The Reception of the English Translation of Contemporary Japanese Literature and Its Cultural Translation - Role of ‘Para-culture’ texts]


-"Translation of 'Performability' in the English Translations of Park Jo-yeol's O CHANG-GUN'S TOENAIL", <번역학연구>, 14.3, 2013, p.87-110.


-"한국 현대희곡 영어번역의 현황 분석과 발전 방향", <비교문학>, 59, 2013, p.93-114.

[A Study on the English Translations of Contemporary Korean Theater]


-"Translatability and Untranslatability of Tae-sok Oh's Theater", (A&HCI) 20.2, 2012, p.165-175.


-"문학번역의 연구방법론에 대한 소고", <번역문학>, 7, 2012, p.47-67.

[A brief study on the research methodology of literary translation]


-"신경숙의 Please Look After Mom의 영어 서평에 나타난 문학번역 평가의 관점", <세계문학비교연구> 37, 2011, p.303-328.

[Perspectives of Translation Evaluation in the Book Reviews of Shin Kyung-sook's Please Look After Mom]


-"이창래의 Native Speaker의 한글번역본 비교연구-번역가의 두 가지 다른 시선", <세계문학비교연구> 36, 2011, p.131-165.

[A Comparative Study of the Korean Translations of Chang-rae Lee’s Native Speaker - Two Different Views of the Translators]


-"미국의 문학번역 평가제도 사례연구 - 번역상과 번역지원을 중심으로", <통번역학연구> 15, 2011, p.363-388.

[A Case Study in the Evaluation Systems of Literary Translation in the U.S.]


-"안정효의 Silver Stallion에 나타나는 자가번역(self-translation) 가능성과 한계 연구", <비교문학> 53, 2011, p.251-285.

[A Study on the Possibility and Limit of Self-Translation in Ahn Junghyo's Silver Stallion]


-"희곡번역의 공연성과 문화번역 로르카의 희곡 예르마(Yerma)의 영어번역을 중심으로", <통번역학연구> 13, 2009, p.161-181.

[Performability and Cultural Translation in Drama Translation: in the Case of the English Translation of García Lorca's Yerma]


-"수용 주체로서의 무라카미 하루키 소설의 영어번역가 연구", <세계문학비교연구> 26, 2009, p.223-244.

[A Case Study of the English Translators of Murakami Haruki's Novels]


-"일본 현대소설의 영어 번역가 사례연구가와바타 야스나리와 오에 겐자부로 소설을 중심으로", <번역학연구> 9.4, 2008, p.289-311.

[A Case Study of the English Translators of Contemporary Japanese NovelsTranslators of Yasunari Kawabata and Oe Kenzaburo]


-"문학번역 평가의 딜레마와 번역비평의 방향", <안과밖: 영미문화연구> 24, 2008, p.86-112.

[Dilemmatic of Literary Translation Evaluation and the Orientation of Translation Criticism]


-"Survival through Indirect Translation: Pablo Neruda’s 'Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada' into Korean", 9, 2008, p.71-93.


-"한국문학 영역(英譯)의 전망과 과제", <문예운동> 95, 2007, p.95-102.

[Prospect and Tasks of the English Translation of Korean Literature]


-"Reorientation of the English Translation of Korean Theater", <번역학연구> 7.1, 2006, p.215-235.


-"Absence of Translation Pedagogy: What to Teach", <외국어교육> 13.1, 2006, p.67-84.


-"Translating Ideogram into a Culture of Phonogram in Tae-Sok Oh's Play 'Bellflower'", (A&HCI) 70, 2005. p.53-57.